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In the past 20 brilliant years, Dongshengdi has realized its dream

In order to show the results of the past year, summarizes successful experience, analysis, planning work direction, in 2021 January 18, 2020, the company 2020 annual summarization convention and the 2021 annual planning conference was held in the company, department head respectively in 2020 made a comprehensive summary of the work of the department, and made a detailed plan of 2021 work report.



Heads of all departments summarize the work of the year, look for advantages, reflect on shortcomings, and learn from experience and lessons.


In the meeting, the heads of all departments spoke actively, expressed their own views, put forward their own suggestions, and jointly solve the current problems.


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All rights reserved:Dongguan dongshengdi sealing products co., LTD For the record:粵ICP備12066687號

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